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I wonder...  

Terrichange 56T
33 posts
4/1/2019 8:43 am
I wonder...

The following are topics I wonder about in relationship to sex stuff.

I wonder if what I'm looking for on here actually exists (and lives by me).

I wonder if there is a masculine man in my area (within a 30 minute drive) who is a top only, has never been topped, and never wants to be topped, and wants me for a girlfriend and lives in my area.

I wonder if there is a woman that would want a girlfriend in the bedroom and a boyfriend in public.

I wonder if there are men out there that would be okay with taking me out for a date with me wearing boy clothes (for now) while knowing I am all girl on the inside and have been my whole life and dress as a girl behind closed doors.

I wonder if I will ever start on HRT, get breast implants, and have transition surgery.

I wonder if it will ever be okay for girls like me to wear what we want (skirts and dresses etc.) and where we want without fear of recrimination.

I wonder if I will ever get married to a man and be his wife or even live with a man as his girlfriend.

Of course, only in a country wherein we are relatively safe and comfortable can one have such self-centered thoughts rambling around in one's head. Please note that I am grateful that I am a Transgender girl and I really do love my life. These are simply topics rattling around in my head when I have down time and space to think lol.

As always, thank you for reading my blog and be safe and have fun.


cremebrulee121 46M/43F
171 posts
4/1/2019 4:26 pm

I think all of the above exist, and are out there... Somewhere... Just waiting to meet you. It's just a matter of finding that person and recognizing the situation when that moment happens.

Terrichange replies on 5/19/2019 12:13 pm:
Thank you for your kind comments regarding my post. Actually, I feel the same way. I am a girl that is very optimistic at heart but being the type of girl I am can get a little trying from time to time. I'm not complaining, just explaining. Anyway, thank you again.


Gina_L07 67T

4/23/2019 4:01 am

Meeting the right person(s) with your desires is going to require making contact and asking those questions. However, the HRT, implants, and transition is all up to you. Remember not all transgender follow the same path and some are perfectly happy just staying on the path even if they never complete it. I never question the desire or motivation of any transgender. While we can see each other physically, we cannot see what is in their brain. Good luck and be safe. Ciao.


Terrichange 56T

6/2/2019 12:04 pm

Thank you Gina

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