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How important is fucking on the first date?  

whitewhife4black 72F
316 posts
9/14/2008 5:53 am

Last Read:
5/14/2010 3:46 am

How important is fucking on the first date?

Back when I was young... the question was whether or not someone kissed on the first date. Before that, there was the term 'petting' which although it could include kissing... it was more along the lines of slightly erotic touch even to such a minimum of holding hands.
I always fuck on the first date
I usually fuck on the first date
I have a history that is pretty much 50/50
I occasionally fuck on the first date
I rarely fuck on the first date
I never fuck on the first date

whitewhife4black 72F
144 posts
9/16/2008 4:38 am

Interesting,,, nobody so far is 100% Fuck or no fuck. Probably should have softened the those two choices to:

'I always fuck on the first date [ if possible ]'


'I never fuck on the first date [ unless it is unavoidable ]

whitewhife4black 72F
144 posts
9/16/2008 4:39 am

Question... if you rarely fuck on the first date, given this is a site primarily devoted to adult play time... what is your primary reason?

whitewhife4black 72F
144 posts
9/16/2008 5:02 am

In case your interested... my response to this question was that I usually fuck on the first date. Why? Well, to begin with... I typically won't schedule a meeting between us unless I have already had a chance to talk to you on the phone (sometimes several times) to see if there is some mutual chemistry.

In those phone calls, the idea of fucking, likes and dis-likes, and preferences has typically already come up in the conversation.

It isn't really how you look that is key to my willingness and desire although if you are a black man... and we're touching somewhat, maybe holding hands and your looking into my eyes... that alone often turns me into a very willing participant.

And lastly, why NOT fuck... as it gets us past all the questions of whether we will fuck or not and if there is a longer term future in store for us... lets get all the uncertainty out of the way and see if we enjoy each other in bed as much as we seem to be enjoying each other pre-sex.

Regardless of how likely it is that it will happen however, I NEVER assume it will nor do I set my mind to the fact that it is almost certain. I do like to be romanced and seduced ya know... so you do have to put out some effort here and show me you want it.

The real point of this comment is to explain who I don't fuck on the first date. And, for sure there are occasionally guys I meet who lose their chance. I'm sure sometimes, once they see me, they lose their interest because sometimes a revealing picture... no matter how representative, simply creates such imagery that nothing in real life can compare.

Also, for some guys... this is all a huge fantasy and once they find a real person... if they show up at all... it is more than they can handle and they set on the edge of the sofa tapping thier feet and looking around and getting worried. A huge tell-tale sign is a reluctance to look me in the eye. Another problem sometime is when my husband is here also. Their uneasyness about my husband's presence is too much for them no matter how much we try to put them at ease.

Of course... you can also fuck up a good thing by being a total asshole and be someone totally different than who you pretended to be when there was miles between us and only a phone connecting us.

Also, come over smelling like a gutter rat is a great way to have me setting out of reach while your here.

kissingisfunfor2 69M

10/12/2008 6:08 am

Truthfully I leave having sex up to the woman. If she wants to great and if not that's okay too.

whitewhife4black 72F
144 posts
10/21/2008 4:08 am

    Quoting kissingisfunfor2:
    Truthfully I leave having sex up to the woman. If she wants to great and if not that's okay too.
Had to ask this question based on your comment... does that mean you would fuck ANYONE who wanted to fuck you? No offense meant... but, it really ouoght to be a joint decision.

whitewhife4black 72F
144 posts
11/15/2008 8:43 am

cool answer!

billybill383 56M
1 post
5/13/2010 10:57 am

I`m still lookin forward giving you a massage if we have sex on first date fine but if if don`t happen i`m still hope we be friends.

luvitwet2017 54M

9/21/2012 4:57 am

Things would have to go pretty well for me to fuck on the first date. I prefer to get to know my partner before anything jumps off but depending on how the date goes, who knows.

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